The In Vitro Fertilization and Tubal Ligation Surgery

Tubal ligation surgery is a permanent voluntary form of contraception in which a woman's fallopian tubes are surgically cut or blocked off to avoid pregnancy. During this surgery, the fallopian tubes are blocked by tying, sealing or attaching a ring or clip to them. This form of female sterilization is ideal for the women who are certain that they wish no further children and demand a reliable contraceptive method. Besides reliability and permanency another greater reason to opt for this procedure is that it has no affect on sexual activity or general body health or need for partner compliance (in the process). Tubal ligation is 99.20% effective, which is far better than other contraceptive methods.

The procedure can be adopted by women who have also considered other methods of birth control and do not want the side effects, risks, or costs of those methods. Women who do not have any medical conditions that would make having surgery dangerous are attracted by this procedure of female sterilization. The ligation permanently blocks the fallopian tubes so the egg cannot move down the tube and the sperm cannot reach the egg, therefore pregnancy cannot occur. It is one of the leading methods of contraception, having been chosen by over 10 million women in the United States-about 15% of women of reproductive age.

Tubal reversal surgery and In vitro fertilization

Women who have had the ligations sometimes regret their decision and desire fertility in the future. Though the process is permanent but then too there are options for fertility after the ligation that is tubal reversal surgery. Tubal reversal surgery as the name suggests is a surgery that is performed to reverse the effect of tubal ligation. The success of this surgery depends on numerous factors. One should not be fickle-minded and strain one's body with constant ligation and reversal surgeries. These are key decisions of one's life and have to be taken after giving much thought.

In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive method and is also preferred by many women as an alternative to tubal reversal surgery. Not just that, in vitro fertilization is also opted for by women who aren't able to conceive naturally. The procedure of in-vitro fertilization is carried out outside the human body. The egg is taken from the woman and it is kept in a certain fertilization environment with sperms, for fertilization to occur.

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